Unknowingly, stress, trauma and ill wishes from other people can cause psychic and auric damage, which can result in physical discomfort, or a general feeling of low energy. These people can also be tied to us by an energetic cord, which can add to the discomfort by “pulling” on your energy. This series of healings will cut away all cords that no longer serve, remove negative energies and purify and fill your aura with light. Leaving you feeling light and cleaned up.
Emotional Cord Cutting
Emotional Cord cutting clears the energetic connections that keep a person locked in repeating patterns of thought, feelings, emotions from past or present relationships which no longer serve their progression. It cuts old attachments and addictions that may be holding one back. It may also help in healing relationships in many cases.
Negative Energy Removal
Negative energy removal (Curse/spell removal), restores the energetic balance within ones being, clearing away psychic and mental blocks that may be slowing you down. These blocks may be the effect of someone having ill thought towards you. Whatever the situation, this healing will help in bringing forth a clearer mind and calmer emotions.
Purification by Light
Purification by Light is a cleaning shower for your aura. It clears away debris and unwanted lower level energies. This is a powerful way to get blasted by light to wash the impurities away. Leaving you feeling light, calm, and in the moment.